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Old 15 February 2018, 05:08 AM   #1
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I don't follow your logic. It's ridiculous that a short production run would mean smaller numbers? It's not "hype" when you look at the secondhand market and see the lack of these up for sale. The price above MSRP also dictates that it's not just's the market value at the moment.

And to say it can't beat a 14060 - how so? What makes the 14060 better? Even IF you could prove the 14060 beats the Black Bay in some way, the common person should expect that as the two aren't even competitors due to the vastly differing price points.

I understand the reasoning. A short/limited production and it will be difficult to find and the prices rise.

But why weren't people jumping on this when they announced the in-house movement? This happens EVERY time. And topics like this fuel the need/craving for this, people don't want to miss out. Same happened to the Hulk.

And I simply don't see the value in this watch when it goes to +5.000 USD. Especially an ETA Tudor vs a Rolex 14060. The bracelet and overall feel is better on the Rolex.
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