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Old 1 March 2018, 06:19 AM   #35
"TRF" Member
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Originally Posted by tyler1980 View Post
is it weird that i like them both more now that i know they are WIS and both have excellent taste in watches? I bought a JM album recently and its not bad. ES i ran into at Byron's Hamburgers in Clapham (london) a few years ago. Cool guy.
Its interesting b/c I havent come around to JM's or ES's music but judging from JM's own interviews, he himself doesnt seem to be comfortable with his pop stuff either. We have to remember that popular music and popular films and dare I say popular watches are attractive to people who may not appreciate them fully from a form or technical perspective but rather are more heavily influenced by trends. After Migos and Future move on to rapping about the next thing, most of us on this forum will be dissecting Patek's 2020 BaselWorld releases but the greater popular audience will have moved on. Im too new myself to watch collecting to be haughty but I went through a similar process with the music group The Roots. I was catching their small shows back in the late 90s and these days they are the house band for the Tonight Show. I just enjoy them in a diff way but look back fondly on the good ole days. It must be how golf fans felt when Tiger was killing it. Everyone got on the bandwagon to watch and play golf (myself included) and left as swiftly as a drunken crash to a neighbor's mailbox. Golf is still around though and has plenty of enthusiasts, just back to its prior audience. All bubbles burst in some capacity but things dont necessarily go to zero.
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