Thread: Price increase
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Old 2 March 2018, 01:22 AM   #542
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Originally Posted by Hendrikus View Post
I find this all rather confusing.

So my AD told me last week (following the arrival of my watch) that if I did not pay the monies before end of February, they had no choice but as of 1st March to impose the new, increased prices.

Users elsewhere on this Board have indicated that there is no 1st March increase, but I saw your post which accorded with that I was told. That said, on the Patek website today the price is exactly as I paid for it and has not been increased.

Whilst I am not too concerned at all about whether or not Patek have increased prices, what I would be unhappy about is if an AD made up information about a bogus price increase in order to pressure a customer in to making a rushed decision or paying more quickly than they can comfortably do (i.e. I was not able to wait 7 days for some monies to be transferred from an investment, meaning I had to use a credit card and incur some fees). I was happy to do that if it meant I was avoiding a price increase but if in fact there was no price increase I have incurred fees I did not need to incur (I could have just paid a deposit and gone back 7 days later to settle the balance).

Can anyone solve this debate?!
The increased prices are only for the 5711 and 5712, your 5167a has no increase in price, at this point. Your AD knew of only the 5711/12 increase and not the others, he was BSing you to get you to buy now.
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