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Old 12 August 2005, 08:11 AM   #9
Posts: n/a
Sorry, in my brain fart I forgot to include "some" reality shows. We usually watch Survivor, and The Amazing Race, but none of the others - oh yes, The Apprentice, although it's getting weaker all the time.

Re: Rob and "Amba" on the Race, what cracked me up time and time again was Rob talking about when "they" won the money on "Saviva" - hey dickhead, SHE won the money, not you!!! LOL! Having said that I was kind of hoping they would win.......what I really wanted was give that Kelly chick a slap in the head, which is what her boyfriend should have done. I could not believe it when she told him he could not commit to anything, and accused him of being a POW to get out of military service....what a bitch!!

I can say from personal experience, you really don't know someone unless you have travelled with them, which is one reason I like the Race. I have met some pretty "tough" individuals who crumble under the pressures of a long trip (and by long I'm not talking about NA to UK).

I also watch many science and technical shows. I love "How It's Made" on Discovery - you get to see many manufacturing processes, and I've actually picked up some things for work from this show. I also like MythBusters - probably a job that would be heaven for me.......I also used to like Junkyard Wars.

Of course calssics like Seinfeld are up there, but I was thinking more about shows that are still on, and not just in reruns.

John, I am sorely dissappointed in you bud - Coronation Street? Really? For sure one thing we don't agree on is the soaps.......
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