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Old 14 June 2018, 03:22 PM   #37
"TRF" Member
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Hey all,

Thanks for all the responses--I really appreciate all the help and support you all have offered. I've gone ahead and called the seller and formally requested a refund (also gave this to him in writing over email). He was not willing to do so, despite me explaining that insurance is between him and UPS, and it appears that we may have to escalate this to a legal issue as he wants to get his lawyer involved.

I may have to do this too despite the fact that a watch of this value is something that should be settled in small claims court. However, I'm quite certain that the law is on my side (Consumer Protection Laws, FTC regulations, etc.) and as many of you have pointed out, I should not be responsible as it is the seller's duty to ensure the buyer receives the purchased item. The transaction was also made with an invoice declaring the value of the item and we have all details of the deal in writing, so I believe on that front everything is clear.

Wishing this wasn't such a messy situation but we are where we are. Please let me know if you have any other advice that would help!
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