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Old 14 June 2018, 07:20 PM   #59
Join Date: Aug 2014
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Originally Posted by dmash View Post
Sorry but you have no case. Don’t know what you’re expecting. You could just as easily be scamming the seller, as he could be scamming you or the package was stolen by a 3rd party. No way this would be decided in your favor in court, it’s all his word against yours. Also, IMO, that’s sort of a silly way to go about things anyways, as all you’re doing is pissing off the guy who’s trying to get the refund for you as quick as possible.

If this was Paypal, sure they’d find in your favor and you’d win. In an actual court of law? Absolutely not. An entire waste of money if you ask me.
He has rights in the transaction, and a lawyer will ensure they are protected. He has a case, whether he prevails is yet to be seen. But your opinion is whack.

Originally Posted by dmash View Post
And now you have additional people in the mix. Your apartment staff. They could have stolen it, UPS employees could have stolen it, the list goes on.

I’ve sold thousands of items, and on a non PayPal transaction, there is absolutely no way I would refund your money out of pocket on this, just being honest. If I knew I put the watch in the box, i would not take a $9k loss based on a stranger’s word. If UPS paid out the claim, of course I would then refund, but not until that’s point. I am completely with the seller on this.

Good to know. I will never do business with someone who would make a blanket statement like this. Read Takuya's post above. That's the correct answer.

Originally Posted by dmash View Post
No offense but you give some pretty horrible advice.

As you pointed out, who’s telling the truth? That’s silly to make your first claim that the seller should immediately refund a potential scammer so willingly. Especially when the seller has been a member here for 8 years. This entire situation looks very fishy to me, especially when paired with the fact that the seller was willing to drive and meet the seller only 90 mins away, yet buyer refuses that and wanted shipment?

Some of you guys come across just like ebay’s Resolution department
and defaulting to defending a buyer without looking at the entire situation and all facts presented.

With all that being said, I’m not saying you’re lying OP, just giving another side to this equation.
How the seller responds when something goes wrong defines their character. It's customary for the best sellers to refund once they know there wasn't a scam. The fact that the seller confirmed that the buyer already had the cops on scene is a pretty good clue that the buyer isn't scamming the seller.
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