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Old 1 November 2018, 07:38 AM   #1
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Sep 2017
Location: Bay Area, CA
Posts: 546
AD experience today

I had some time to kill so I stopped by a local AD to discuss Rolexes and to look for a gift for my wife. The discussion was disheartening. She put me on a list for a Rolex I desire...I’m some outrageous number, 65 I believe. She blatantly told me I could move up on the list if I wanted to purchase 4-5 other Rolex watches or spend a substantial amount of money on other jewelry.

A. I am not interested in spending uncanny amounts of money to collect unnecessary jewelry just so I can move higher on a list to buy a watch that already costs 10k. If I wanted it that badly I would purchase the watch from a gray dealer at a 6k premium versus spend 50k on items I don’t need nor want.

B. I don’t need a new Rolex that badly. It’s just a watch.

This experience has given me new perspective on just how ridiculous this game has become. I was going to purchase a relatively small gift for my wife but I’m certainly not giving that store my money.

I’m on one other list for the Rolex I want and if my name gets called, great, and if not, no worries. I have plenty of other ways to spend 10k.
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