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Old 10 December 2018, 01:08 PM   #34
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Houston
Posts: 294
I picked up my watch today!

First observation: the Renault crown is centered correctly! It was off when I sent it in and it bothered me a slight bit. This is how I sent it off:

What’s the big deal, you say? Well... nothing... other than it shows me that the watch was assembled a little less precisely than it could have been.

This is how it came back:

I had mentioned nothing about it. They corrected it when reassembling the watch.

Makes me believe it was assembled a little more carefully and more precisely than before I sent it off.

The crown works as it’s supposed to as well.

Now I’ll wear it few days and see how it’s regulated and see when it flips the date.
I don’t tell my wife the price of my watches, so she doesn’t allocate similar funds for a purse. But I hope when I die she doesn’t sell my watches for what she thinks I paid.
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