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Old 11 December 2018, 06:49 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by mattonthewater View Post
I took a trip to NYC this past weekend for the Hodinkee 10 festivities. While waiting on my room to be ready in the hotel lounge I enjoyed a bit of breakfast and began scrolling through Instagram. Randomly I received a text message from my contact at my choice AD asking if I was already in NYC. I replied yes and that I was looking forward to the weekends events (we talk watches a lot). Then he asked if I will be there long enough for a package to be sent to me....

I hadn't even given much thought to what he was referencing and then it dawned on me. I asked to be put on the list for a BLNR back in August thinking and knowing it would be a LONG time before it ever happened. Well, what followed the question was this picture...

My jaw dropped. I was in total disbelief. I was quite literally just browsing Instagram and saw RPR's post (which incited quite the panic I see) and then I get the word that mine has arrived!

I elected to wait and pick the watch up in person as opposed to having it shipped as I was only in the NYC area for the weekend and I didn't want even the slightest chance that something could go wrong.

I enjoyed the rest of the trip. Talked with Alton Brown for almost an hour, enjoyed a nice chat with Jean-Claude Biver, had a few beers with James Stacy and Jason Heaton from The Grey Nato podcast, met Kevin Rose, Wei Koh and many many other fine folks from all over who came together to share our passion.

It was bittersweet leaving NYC, and I arrived home around midnight this morning. Got some sleep and promptly made my trek to the AD to pick up my brand new, freshly discontinued () BLNR!

I'm still in disbelief over the circumstances (having an amazing weekend of watches with the Hodinkee crew, the ending of Hanukkah, meeting and conversing with the folks I did, and my birthday being next week). It was a thrill to remove all of the plastic stickers myself, watch my name being put on the warranty card. I haven't taken it off yet, and don't plan to any time soon. This "discontinued" beauty has earned a permanent spot in my collection.

Who/What is RPR????
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