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Old 3 January 2019, 08:07 AM   #92
"TRF" Member
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Originally Posted by KetaPatek View Post
irrational exuberance at the bubble top + niche fad of particular style.

here's a little horror show fact that explains some of the Chinese madness (being close to money printing helps and their offspring creating bubbles in luxury baubles like Patek):

"The PBOC released its annual "Financial Stability Report" Friday's a real page turner. The Chinese have "created" US$50.1 Trillion in "Junk Financial Assets" in just four short years"; to wit:

that's 50 TRILLION USD in 4 years! printed out of thin air! to prop up fraud! and is it any wonder why certain niche luxury brands do well?

ps edit: at the end of all bubbles you get aberrations and last gasps, and it seems like the less expensive (relative to say homes which are crashing) luxury price spikes, this nautilus nonsense being excellent bubblicious case in point.
so you are saying the luxury watch market and other luxury markets are 99% driven by the chinese (corruption income)? possible....
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