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Old 17 January 2019, 09:51 PM   #55
erik asher
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Jan 2018
Location: New York
Posts: 273
Interesting and thank you for taking the time...

...but you cross over from informative to inflammatory by making absolute statements that may or may not be true, and by implying that Panerai is actually doing something illegal, unethical, or both.

Let’s take this statement from your original post:
“Nowadays, luxury became synonymous of rip-off! Mass produced items manufactured in poor countries by underpaid workers in unhealthy environments are sold as Luxury items with incredible mark-ups to trusting customers unaware they are being ripped-off. Their golden rule nowadays is: make more money at any cost. Deception is acceptable, as long as profitability is increased.

What do I mean by deception? Making a costumer believe he is paying the real value of an object by giving false information is deception. Pretending the build process is long, complicated and time consuming to justify high premium, and the reality being completly the opposite, is deception.
I am going to give you an example of deception. "CARBOTECH": it sounds high tech! How do they describe it? "Forged Carbon Fiber". Panerai sells their Carbotech watches for a very high premium over stainles steel, so it must be very difficult and complex to manufacture, hence the price difference. “

First, you imply that Panerai watches are being manuafactured under unsavory conditions, which isn’t the case. Second, you state that someone who buys the watch is being scammed or ripped off, in absolute terms. You also state in absolute terms that price is always tied to the length and complexity of the manufacturing process. Well, the truth is that price is tied to many more variables than that. A big part of price is tied to intangibles such as Reaearch & Development, and other costs associated with the watch that may not be directly tied to manufacturing.

While your post has some informational value and the non inflammatory and technical parts of your post give us all something to think about (and I thank you for that), parts of your posts are unsubstantiated which takes away from the really interesting and technical statements. I will also tell you that I would be out of business if I relied on google for my technical research. If you have a specific citation that is reliable and credible regarding the manufacturing of carbotech, please cite it, but my very quick google search proved inconclusive (I do admit that I am not an engineer so I Amy be missing the nuances of some of the descriptions).

I would just try to tone down the inciteful stuff and stick to a measured analysis without drawing conclusions.
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