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Old 24 January 2019, 06:05 PM   #154
erik asher
"TRF" Member
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Posts: 273
Originally Posted by carlhaluss View Post
Well, all such things as these price increases affect each one of us differently. A watch is not only a luxury item to me, but a very emotional acquisition as well. As such, the way I perceive the latest changes, introductions and prices has severely tainted my feelings about the brand.

Today, for the third time in a week, I strapped on my beautiful PAM 721, kept it on my wrist for a few minutes, took some photos, did a post on WRUW, then took it off my wrist and wore my Zenith El Primero bronze.

I can't quite decide how I would classify my feelings, but I do know they come from the heart. Perhaps, it is a bit of a defeatist attitude, and I should get over it and enjoy the models I have. The 721 is the Panerai that has most grabbed me, from the start when it was introduced in 2017. At the time, I could not afford it, and thought that I would be lucky to even see one. I was mesmerized. Then the Panerai Boutique opened in Vancouver, miraculously one appeared in the display case, and I bought it. Now I am not sure what I am going to do, with it or the other three models I own.

Don't get me wrong. I am only conveying my sincere thoughts, and an example of how changes like this can affect us. Everyone should have such a dilemma! If worse comes to worst, I end up selling them all, I can always get a brand/model I like better.

Man, I am ROFL after reading this post! You strapped on your PAM 721 for a wrist shot and then took it off?!?!?! Yeah, you are really buying PAMs for the right reasons. No offense, but you epitomize the neophyte Panerai wearer who goes out and buys the hottest watch and then does research on it—and then acts like they are a big lover of the brand! You bought the watch because it’s hot and not because you were passionate about the brand....and then the brand does something that you don’t like, and without even being in the brand for one year, you are ready to jump ship and sell sell sell...maybe you should have thought more about the brand before you bought four PAMs in a very short period of time?!?!

It’s just really fun to me to read your post...why did you strap on your 721 just to take a picture?! Are you letting social media dictate your purchases?! If everyone else unanimously loved the new releases, would you too?! Or do you just hate on Panerai now because you perceive it as the thing to do through social media?!

Man Carl, I thought you had more substance than this. You should definitely sell your PAMs. With this type of weak “Panerai” constitution, you will never make it as a lover of the brand for years to come! You quote says it all—those with a sense of entitlement never feel satisfied.

Maybe your sense of entitlement on what the brand owes you is way too overinflated.
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