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Old 24 January 2019, 10:16 PM   #24
Flying Doctor
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Originally Posted by Zakalwe View Post
Tragically I’ve done some maths on this and I can’t say it looks good for you if you’re going to rely on an airport to get a sought after piece.

Take the following assumptions with a pinch of salt, but they illustrate the point. I enquired after a BLNR in T2 a couple of years ago. The sales assistant told me I missed one by a couple of days. I asked how long it was in the window and she replied “2 minutes”. She also told me she couldn’t reliably say how many they would get in a year but that was the first BLNR in 6 months that they received. But for the sake of argument let’s say the AD puts every watch in the case and doesn’t hold it in the safe to bundle with a PM. Assume the BLNR would on average sit in the case for 5 minutes before being snapped up and let’s say they are going to get 3 in the next year and you will visit that terminal once. The AD is open all year for 16 hours a day so approximately 6000 hours total. Let’s also assume they receive their deliveries at random times (they clearly don’t, but still...).

Using those numbers, in that time a BLNR will be sitting in the case for a total of 0.25 hours, so your chances of randomly stumbling on one are 1 in 24000.

I reckon getting friendly with a local AD is a better bet.
Yes - about as likely as winning the lottery. You have literally got to walk past the second it goes on display. They don't reserve stock and so you have one chance there and then to pounce. Don't pass go, don't go and buy the duty free, don't even think of needing to go to the ablution facilities because it will be gone when you come back and you will just see who has beaten you to it. Just run in, get your card out and get it - and don't mill and pussy foot around in the boutique either - just say I want that and get someone to grab it before someone else does.......

Sad but true - what a sorry state of affairs!!!!!

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