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Old 12 February 2019, 02:31 PM   #83
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Originally Posted by MiDoon View Post
As an investigator I once took an email complaint from a kid in Japan who was scammed out of $1000 by someone in my jurisdiction for a pair of collector Nike hi tops.

Now I don't get the idea of sending someone $1000 for shoes, but I had an apartment address so what the hell, lets see what I can do for the kid.

Knocked on the door and a young dude let me in. I talked to him about the case and he denied any involvement. I already established how long he lived there and that he lived alone. I showed him a few pictures of the shoes and again he denied it. So I started pointing out all the things in the room that were in the background of the pictures. I told him to go get the shoes. He went and got them.

I sent them to the kid in Japan on the city's dime. Kid got them about ten days later. Man was he happy.

So yes, the OP can get results.
Nice follow through! It is unfortunate that most form their opinions of law enforcement from rumors or one case that couldn't be solved. If only everything was like they see on CSI then we could have it wrapped up in 60 minutes after collecting DNA from a blade of grass.
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