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Old 19 February 2019, 05:09 AM   #112
"TRF" Member
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The ham-fisted incompetent who did the damage needs to have his butt kicked, and kicked HARD.

Not only for the damage, but also because he did not care what he did, and ignored it with an arrogant "so what" attitude. He knew exactly what he was sending out the door. Did he actually expect to get away with this?

I would demand a replacement bracelet or at least NEW parts to replace the damaged ones. I (that's just me) would not accept "reworked" / "repolished" items. OP paid for "new" and that is exactly what he is owed.

My AD's sales rep has been trained, doing bracelet sizing for decades, and you cannot tell your adjusted bracelet has ever been touched.

From the condition of the OP's screw heads, it would appear that the guy did not know about using heat to loosen the loctite, and as a result had a "mighty struggle" with the resizing attempt.
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