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Old 26 March 2019, 08:39 AM   #28
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Feb 2016
Real Name: John
Location: Beverly, MA
Posts: 61
DavidSW has a great reputation here. I recently had a so so experience with him. I bought a watch that he had advertised as "balance of the remaining manufacturers warranty". When the watch arrived, the original purchase receipt and warranty card clearly showed the watch had been out of warranty for over 3 years. In fact, the watch was overdue for a service per the manufacturer recommendation. Huge difference. Some of the online photos of the watch were quite misleading as to the condition of the watch. Camera angles were hiding wear locations. DavidSW said the warranty language was a mistake. To his credit, he took the watch back and promptly refunded all my money. I assume it was an honest mistake, but not a small one and I wasted a bunch of time on an aborted transaction. It annoys me that many of these "trusted sellers" don't directly include the purchase date in their advertising when it's right on the paperwork they possess.
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