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Old 7 April 2019, 06:07 PM   #33
"TRF" Member
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Originally Posted by bayerische View Post
I don't want to be Mr Negative, but realistically what are the odds of it not being stolen?
I’d say 98% otherwise the remaining 2% is a split on a 1% chance (as mentioned) a disgruntled spouse sold it or a 1% chance it was inherited and they assumed it was fake (but we know by watchout forum that’s unlikely to go by without authentication)

Mind you, that’s assuming someone sold it to the store? Not really even sure what a thrift store is? Is it a charitable thing? If that’s the case it’s more likely someone donated it assuming it was fake, maybe relative or spouse that was told it was fake. But even then (looking on watchout) the first thing people who ‘inherit’ these things do is get them authenticated. It doesn’t strike me as an old enough watch for a dead relative inheritance.

It’s gotta be hard not to gloat on something like this but an Internet Rolex forum is probably the worst place you could have done it (even though it’s also the best). After seeing that thread on the vintage bezels a couple of months ago and jealous people contacting the seller I’d have kept quiet about this to be honest.

I hope you got one in a million lucky, get Mum to pick the lotto this week too.
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