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Old 14 April 2019, 05:48 AM   #46
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Jul 2018
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So glad I found this thread, one of the reasons I purchased a 16710 was because of the option to change inserts. I've had absolutely no luck changing inserts expect being able to put the pepsi insert that came with my watch. My Black insert from my 16700 goes on 90% and that final push just does not happen! I also have a coke insert which goes in about 80% and the rest 20% I just can't do... I'm not a very hands on guy and I've already damaged one insert... Do the genuine inserts go on much easier than aftermarket ones?

Also, there's two ways of putting the insert on the bezel... The first is by putting the bezel on first and then snapping the inset on (I use this method as it's impossible (for me) to put the bezel on blindly because of that little spring) I put the bezel on and then with my Samsung S Pen nib I get the spring to sit in place...

The second option is probably the correct way where you lunatics just put the insert in the bezel and snap the bezel on with the spring sat correctly to the bezel. I find this purely impossible.

Anyway, long story short I get sore thumbs and mega frustrated :(

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