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Old 4 May 2019, 02:46 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by gmh1013 View Post
I would hope to see a day of disclosure on UFO's before I die. What are they? Time travelers?who knows.... I have been lucky enough to see the Phoenix Lights in 1997 and i saw another one with my mother on my 13th B-day
in 1970. Everybody who follows ufo's knows what the Phoenix lights looked like, the flying V that came from the N.W. and moved to S.S.E. I watched for a good 4-5 mins.
The first "object" was sphere about 10-12 feet in diameter on "fire" that looked like hot melting steel hovering about 10 ft or so off the ground about 40+ yards behind our house in Mesa AZ. We watched in our back yard as it slowly rise going faster as it gned altitude joining another long "cigar"shape craft and then both vanished.
When i lived in Tempe my next door neighbor was a co-pilot for America West airlines...and told me he had seen some strange stuff flying in the Air Force and one over New Mexico flying AWA on a night flight to Denver in the four corners area. He asked the Captain is he going to say anything about what they saw? His reply was hell want to keep your job never say anything.
Very cool stories! Thanks

Delonge wont tell you exactly what he "thinks" they are, that is up to each person when the look at the apparent facts.
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