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Old 12 June 2019, 11:25 AM   #20
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 587
Yeah, trust me.....not real thrilled about having to spend $5k premium on a Sub but the market is the market. The way SS prices have been....I don’t see them coming down and, if anything, I can see the Hulk going up if they discontinue it next year at Basel.

I look at the Batman as sort of a guide......I think we all would have agreed the price of the Batman was going to go down once they released the same model on the jubilee.....but the opposite has happened. It continues to go up by the day it seems.

As for CHNR pricing, I am betting I can find a pre owned one for $32-33k.....sell TT for half that....and be about there.

The crappy thing is I can’t find either the Hulk or CHNR anywhere to try on. Thus, I’ll make sure whoever I buy from has a return policy in case they don’t thrill me in person.
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