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Old 5 July 2019, 12:19 PM   #10
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Oct 2017
Location: US
Posts: 3
I’ll guess the reason why you keep getting taken down is because as much as you’ve connected dots, your missive is still just your missive. The “Court of Public Opinion” is not a real court, and until a real court decides, nothing you’ve provided can be considered settled fact.

You present being taken down as some great conspiracy - a cabal against you to protect a counterfeiter. The reality is you are posting legally unproven information on public spaces like WUS, Reddit, Wordpress, and they don’t want to get sued for allowing it. Plus you’ve doxxed some of the players, and in some states that’s an actual crime.

You get to hide behind a veil of anonymity, while the players in your story do not get to legally rebut your assertions, question your motives, or get judged by uninterested third parties-a jury of peers. You’ve denied them Due Process, and if your motives were truly pure, you should’ve sent the information to LE, then reported about it after it was settled.
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