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Old 5 July 2019, 01:45 PM   #84
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Nov 2017
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Posts: 457
I think the carbon (or whatever it is) ones are pretty cool and I wanted one for a little. That being said, the RMs I’d want are too hard to get, the watchmaking isn’t there for the money when you compare it to almost anything else, and they are insanely flashy. The thing that really ended it for me is the prospect of these being Frank Mueller part 2. They’re certainly trendy right now, but I think the prices being strong are a condition of supply manipulation (I don’t think the demand is that deep) and a superheated economy. When either one of those changes, I doubt that these will have much staying power, and I’ve already talked to a few collectors who have been majorly turned-off by RM in the past 2 years for the same reasons I previously specified. Additionally, I would be shocked if other brands didn’t start copying this model (exotic materials, lightweight construction) soon, and actually, some are already getting there. The AP RO Concept is essentially AP’s version of a RM but with much better watchmaking and a more powerful/established brand standing behind it.
Instagram: @watchadmiral
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