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Old 5 August 2019, 04:43 AM   #114
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Originally Posted by Syed117 View Post
I haven't been here that long, but some of the old guard are still around and I genuinely get excited when I see they've posted.

Maybe things will go back to the way they once were but I doubt it.

I know everyone has to start somewhere , but these days most new members from the last year or two come across terribly because their motivations are different.

We used to have way more discussions about the watches themselves. The new crowd just wants to complain or show off their complete lack of common sense or knowledge.

I see the guys who have been here for 10 years or more and I'm willing to listen to anything they have to say. They've earned it. They have the perspective.

Edit - here's one thing that infuriates me personally. All the new complainers crying about the trusted sellers charging premiums these days. Guess what? That's the market. 4 years ago every trusted seller was getting everyone at least 10% off all steel sports models except the Daytona. Everything was under retail. It's so annoying seeing all these babies crying about the current situation when they weren't around when things were the other way around.

I feel so sorry...
People are getting really nasty here... why?
I think that all of us newcomers; we don’t deserve the hatred/angry thoughts presented here.
Maby this forum would be better without us?
Maby we should all try to be polite&respectful towards eachother.
Maby my point of view is not always the best?
This kind of angry writing is not good for the atmosphere.
I truly respect all the older people here (all the knowledge, all the support..), but after reading this thread I start to feel that we newcomers are not liked here.
All the best!!!

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