Thread: Too big?
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Old 14 December 2019, 12:41 PM   #11
Lew Archer
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Sometimes, wrist shots exaggerate the effect. Stand back a few feet from a mirror. Let your arms hang naturally. Hands open. The size may seem more in proportion than the close up wrist shots suggest.

Large watches have been the rage for a few years, so don’t worry. And, as noted by others, many Breitling models, especially with a military flavor, are intentionally massive.

In short, it’s the look. Like suit coats. Now, they tend to be quite a bit shorter in length than in the early 2000s. For example, compare Daniel Craig’s most recent Bond films to his first two. Styles change. Looks change. And, things go in cycles.

Also, if you have other watches that are smaller and wear them for awhile, then switch to this one, your first Breitling will look especially large, because your eye acclimated to the other watches. The same thing happens in reverse.

Wear the watch for a few weeks continuously. Your eye will come to see it as the “right” size. Same goes for a smaller watch. Your eye needs time to acclimate.

If, after all is said and done, it bugs you..then it bugs you and it’s time to move on. Put it aside for occasional use (and settings that are more casual or sport oriented, where it will blend in more). Perhaps gift it to someone special to you in the future. A relative perhaps. If it brings someone you care about happiness, you will derive satisfaction from that.

And, above all else, listen to your own opinion.
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