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Old 1 April 2020, 11:33 PM   #4718
"TRF" Member
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Originally Posted by Patton250 View Post
Tyranny is the suspension of constitutional rights. It happens one little piece at a time. And the only way it can happen is by a group citizens saying that it’s OK to do this little bit and then a little bit more and then a little bit more and then a few years down the line we find ourselves with no rights. We are going to see some huge supreme court cases over this whole mess and I welcome it. I’m still fascinated how some of you still think once unemployment hits 40%, and that’s predicted by the fed, that these people will all just sit home and say oh well. We have massive problems coming from that in the very near future.

Anyway I don’t see why some people here are so offended by someone having a dissenting opinion. What’s wrong with that? I have not been offensive or slandered anyone. I also have not broken any rules nor will I. I thought this thread was to discuss the topic of the virus and give our opinions. If some people only want a cut and paste of the articles defending their opinions I have tons of them.
Can you link to the 40% unemployment prediction? That's higher than both I and colleagues have heard.
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