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Old 16 March 2020, 03:00 AM   #2116
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Originally Posted by daveathall View Post
I dont disagree that testing is not important.

Let me ask you this, let's say that everyone in the UK was tested on Monday and we find some and they are removed from the population, do we then test everyone on Tuesday?

The way this is happening is that if one suspects that one has the virus, one self quarantines, if the symptoms dont go away or gets worse, one is taken to hospital where one is tested to see if one has the virus.

Are you suggesting that everyone that has a sniffle be tested straight away? Where would they get tested, at a doctors or should they go to a hospital or should an ambulance be tasked their house?

You are saying test, test, test. How would it happen, would it be a daily thing for the whole of the population?

Dave (hope it’s ok to call you that), I honestly get your point, we can’t test everyone daily but if we self-isolate we are not even having to tell anyone.

Why issue figures daily that just as well have been made up by a lottery machine. If those self-isolating now for 7 days are better after that time we still don’t know what they had so they then get stuck in a potential 2 weeks or more lockdown.

If we knew they had it and recovered they could help others less able when things get bad for them as they could be exempt from a lockdown.

It’s proven effective, look at South Korea, USA are now putting a huge emphasis on testing are they wrong?

This has nothing to do with politics or parties as I’m pretty much apolitical so don’t have a horse in the race. Just interested in humanity and testing has proven effective.

As for where, it’s a simple swab, not highly skilled, drive-thru systems were used in South Korea and results in 4 hours. I believe the US are now setting them up.

I have a sore throat and a runny nose, don’t meet any criteria so carry on I guess. It appears we are being asked to diagnose ourselves with next to no knowledge, 111 don’t even want to take a call.

One of the questions is ‘Have you been in contact with a confirmed case?’ Ummmm no idea as you are not testing.....

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