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Old 1 April 2020, 02:51 PM   #4667
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Originally Posted by Star Ferry View Post
Paul, I'm well aware of how many people live in China. Nobody knows how many deaths the virus caused there. 21 million seems way too high, 3000 seems way too low. I don't believe they had fewer fatalities than France did. Surely many people did cancel cell lines they no longer needed or could no longer afford.

The virus spread much faster than testing capability could have grown, so the answer is a mystery. I think their reported numbers are way off, but that's not necessarily the result of an active cover-up.
I think it’s a combo of Chinese drastically under reporting their related deaths and the USA (where I live close to ny) perhaps taking some liberties when it comes to covid related deaths. There have been more and more reports of family members wrongly (maybe wrongly isn’t the correct word) labeling deaths to covid, i don’t think it can be so black and white when it comes to under lying health issues.

Someone we know directly great grand mother just died, mid 90s and 3 forms of cancer however she was tested and came back positive for covid and died this week. She will be counted as a covid death. There is great area here with the numbers is all i guess in trying to say.

To be clear I’m not minimizing the severity of the situation. Just some fishy thjngs going on with the numbers and how things are being counted, or maybe we are just harping on the numbers too much?

The discrepancies can’t be ignored, seems like it’s either way worse or way better. 2.4 million people would have died without mitigation is being reported; that didn’t just come out of now where after knowing about covid for months

Stay safe and stay home

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