Thread: Hoa
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Old 9 May 2019, 07:15 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by singe89 View Post
Some HOAs are the worst. I get maintaining common areas, making sure exterior structures and look good, etc but my rentals in Irvine are the worst.

Lost a tenant because you have to park two cars in the two car garage and he had a truck that was too big. If he had a 3rd car they would have given him a parking pass for the truck but since he only had his truck and his wife's car they both needed to be parked in the garage.

Another one won't let me rent my condo to my two younger brothers and their life long friend (3 bedroom). The rules state that all people living in the condo need to be related. Yet its perfectly okay to have 3 generations of family grandparents, adult parents and kids (7+ people) all living in the same 3 bedroom.

also got fined for a tenant leaving the garage open too long, kids using chalk on the sidewalk, wrong light brightness on the light over the house number, the list goes on and on and on.
This is INSANITY. I do not doubt the authenticity of your account, I find it hard to believe that there are human beings that run the HOA that are this asinine! My wife teaches at UCI & we're relocating to San Diego. Our new property will *not* be under the HOA. This is a horror story.
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