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Old 4 April 2020, 03:21 AM   #5007
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Originally Posted by Blansky View Post
But how do you get past a peak, if most people have never been in contact with the virus.
Other countries have done it.

We are trying. Perhaps if we had tried harder earlier, we would be past the peak. But that is water under the bridge.

And it appears to be working in some places in the US. Too early to tell, so I say appears.

You flatten the curve by social distancing (which some states have not yet put in place and some are still ignoring but we are getting better at it).

At the same time you increase testing capability, medical equipment and stores, and PPG. So we don't get caught with our pants down again.

When the peak has passed, you test, test, test. And and trace, trace, trace.

We we pay the long term price of no hand shaking, wearing masks in public (like other countries do) etc. until we have a vaccine.

And this one is optional, but one of my favorites: don't let any cruise ships run unit they have posted a bond large enough to pay for all the cost they have forced tax payers to pay to rescue and quarantine and treat their passengers.

Stay safe.
The King of Cool.
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