Thread: Covid scare..
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Old 30 June 2020, 06:53 PM   #95
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Originally Posted by superdog View Post
I’m not certain how that follows my logic. But I’ll keep thinking on it. Happy to answer your questions though.

I’m not sure if I gave it to anyone besides my wife. But admittedly, it’s hard to say. However, what I do know is that prior to my wife testing positive, I wore a mask and gloves everywhere. I was diligent. Not perfect. But very diligent.

Besides the grocery store and the liquor store, always following protocols, the only place I went was my office. I was not always gloved and mashed in my office.

When my wife tested positive, and we began quarantine, anyone that was in my office got tested. Everyone came back negative. No one in any of their families tested positive either. I let everyone know that I had it.

My wife left the house two times in three months. Both times were to get her infusion and you can be certain she and the hospital staff followed protocol.

So I genuinely don’t think either of us gave it to anyone. But again, its hard to say. I also have no idea where I got it. But I have to imagine it was the supermarket. It’s the only place I touched things that other people touched.

That all said, the above is the reason I say it’s impossible to contain. Because I followed all protocols. And apparently I still got it.
I was using this as "your logic"

Originally Posted by superdog View Post
I’m just following the patterns as they emerge and using logic. Even a few cases should be enough to cause huge spread based on previous examples. Unless some kind of natural resistance is building in the population.
Good answer though, as you know from previous threads, I have been shielding because of certain conditions, because of them, Supermarkets give me priority slots for home delivery, I was on the medical list for shielding so my name was given to them.

In a way, your answer could say that it is containable, you got it and gave it to your wife, but you never gave it to those in your office, simply because you were so diligently following the protocols. I am of the opinion that you were just unlucky, perhaps picking up something in the supermarket that had just been touched previously by someone positive.

I am glad it went well for you, it seems to badly effect even the most fittest of people at random. Have you both fully recovered?

My opinion on this virus is changing almost weekly. I am at the point now where I would let those that are at the highest risk shield, those with lesser risk should go to work but keep the same protocols as you did. I must admit that I didn't retire just to sit in my house for the rest of my life.


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