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Old 16 September 2010, 12:31 PM   #103
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A 3+ year imploding world-wide financial crisis which more than likely will be the worst sustained economic downturn in all of our lifetimes (knock on wood) & the minuscule disposable income coffers of consumers today compared to the booming economic times when the GMT-IIC was released has more to do with this phenomenon than anything else IMO.

We saw the same thing when the DSSD was release a few years ago - crashing economy, people losing their jobs right & left w/ no relief in sight and a bunch of people jumping on the band wagon that the DSSD was a "Hated" watch because it wasn't flying off the shelf.

I said it then, and I'll say it again as it relates to the Sub-C today...IF the watch was released during a booming economy I'm pretty sure it would be flying off the shelf too.

When money is tight (or the future is as extremely uncertain as it is today) it helps immensely on the "My watch is good enough need/desire to 'upgrade'". Yet look when money is flying in...human nature generally kicks in and makes us decide how much we 'need' (read: really want) to upgrade things like our watches, cars, boats, vacations, homes and hence we tend to desire the latest & greatest things offered from our favorite manufacturers like Rolex.

That's all that's going on here IMO. Fast forward 3-5 years when hopefully the economy is firing on all cylinders again and I have a strange feeling the demand for the Sub-C will miraculously become very strong. You heard it here first.
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