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Old 15 November 2017, 02:50 AM   #74
Join Date: Aug 2014
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Originally Posted by tyler1980 View Post
I don't eat meat personally

maybe its different but i doubt it....

"A series of photographs taken a few days apart showed a normal, traditionally bred egg-laying hen as it grows from chick to maturity. Underneath were parallel pictures of the modern broiler taken at the same intervals. By day nine, the broiler’s legs can barely keep its oversized breast off the ground. By day 11, it is puffed up to double the size of its cousin. It looks like an obese nine-year-old standing on the legs of a five-year-old. By day 35 it looks more like a weightlifter on steroids and dwarfs the egg-laying hen.""The intensively produced broiler is typically kept in an artificially lit shed of around 20,000-30,000 birds. Computers control heating and ventilating systems and the dispensing of feed and water. The water and feed are medicated with drugs to control parasites or with mass doses of antibiotics as necessary. Units are cleaned only at the end of each cycle, so after two to three weeks the floor of the shed is completely covered with faeces and the air tends to be acrid with ammonia."

A “big” chicken is around 8 pounds at slaughter and moves around easily on its own (if they were too big to walk, how would they get to the feed and water?). Chickens larger than that are too difficult to process efficiently at the plant Keep in mind that legs and wings have markets the same as breast meat. The birds are proportioned the same as your free range birds.

Nobody uses antibiotics anymore. And when they did, they weren’t the antibiotics people and pets get. The only “drug” they get today is a vaccine in the egg at the hatchery.
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