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Old 12 April 2011, 02:32 AM   #81
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: USA
Posts: 49
Originally Posted by scarhead View Post
The top one with the curved sides...this is the one I was wondering about.
Originally Posted by scarhead View Post
One more question if I may...

It is very apparent from your photos that cigars are indeed your hobby. You said that you have many humidors around your living room, so do you prefer storing your cigars in various humidors as opposed to storing them in one large cabinet style humidor? The "coolidor" has been gaining popularity amongst cigar smokers and I was wondering if this was something you thought of. Perhaps humidor collecting is part of the hobby? For those who are not familiar with a coolidor it is a cooler (Igloo and Coleman are two brands) outfitted with a humidification system used to store cigars. It is, more or less, an inexpensive way to store a large quantity of cigars.

I will check the manufacturer for you...I hope I don't forget to do it..if I do, remind me..I'm traveling now.

As for the humidors..I keep all my cigars in my living room, and its rather hard to explain my wife what is a cooler doing in the living room

I do however, like the different humidor boxes I have, not because of the way they look, BUT above all, their quality.

Cigars are, as you know, very sensitive to humidity and temperature, BUT also to smells..

A good cigar humidor, MUST be lined inside with Cedar wood, or the box even made with Cedar..mine are normally all Cedar boxes with either natural finishes on the outside, OR veneers..but inside they must be cedar.

Cedar is the only wood that will help maintain humidity and temperature, and is the only one that will not give out smell nor absorb it..therefore, cigars inside a cedar humidor, will not gain or lose aromas, except to each other, whch I strongly encourage and allow, hence you seeing many different brands mixed in the same's like a body odor share thing!!

Because I do have some real collectible cigars they need to be preserved properly, not just with the right humidity.

A plastic cooler provides only temperature and humidity..and can interfere with the cigar's aromas and smells.

I do have a lot of fun, sometimes, just smelling them..instead of smoking..

Also..I don't clean them..UNLESS they get really dirty.

The white spores you see in some of my photos, is a sort of mildew that grows in them, result of the oils in the leafs traveling to the surface, which is a good sign the cigars have the right moisture...if they were to be kept in a tight plastic cover box, the cigars can become over humid and damage them, as the plastic, unlike wood does not "breathe"

Nice chating with you.this is one of my passions for over 15 years now..thank you

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