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Old 10 August 2018, 05:46 PM   #1
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Jul 2018
Location: South Carolina
Posts: 48
Hello from South Carolina!

Hello from Greenville, SC. I'm 33 and I am currently an engineer at "the worlds most profitable premium vehicle company". My current watch is an Iphone.

I'm joining because I have wanted a Rolex since I was a little kid. I'm not sure why but I've always liked things that reflected quality and passion and attention to detail. It doesnt seem like it ever really mattered what it was but I was always interested in the small details of something that was well made, whether it was a beautiful guitar, a handmade pair of shoes, or a high quality piece of furniture, I would always really geek out over it. I guess as a kid I was really weird......

Anyway, I've finally started to make something of myself and I think this year will be the year I finally take the plunge and buy my first Rolex. Its been a long time coming and I'm at once excited and a little bummed out by the sudden shortage of "starter" models. I always told myself one day Id buy a standard submariner and wear it until either it falls apart or I do.

Im sure I'll find one, though alot of the local dealers have laughed me out of the showroom, though I guess that just lets me know who I dont want to start a seriously expensive relationship with...

...Anyway I look forward to chatting with you all for a long time to come. Thank you for having me!
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