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Old 13 January 2017, 01:22 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by lapince View Post
Resale on AP is bad? I don't know about most pieces, I am mostly looking at resale for the ones I have, CE diver and blue 15300, and they seem to be doing quite well, the price for the only unworn blue 15300 on Chrono24 is 2000 euros more than what I paid for my unworn, and the CE diver prices are way above what I paid.
I haven't looked into the divers - great watches, just no room in the collection or lifestyle - but I generally find Chrono24 to be a poor proxy for the actual market and useful only insofar as you can see long term trends by checking in every 6 months or so. Plus, when I say resale, I'm talking about selling a new watch after using it. Still, I'd assume if you do as I do and email one of those sellers saying that you have cash and want to purchase today, you'll find that 2,000 euro premium quickly gone.

As for the boutique, my problem isn't attitude, and I don't need to be fawned over and actually dislike salespeople following me around. Either Manuela out and out lied to me about supply to get me to purchase then and at full price, or made a representation she shouldn't have or that was very quickly proven untrue, in which case she should have been more understanding of a long-term AP owner who came by in person to respond to an email she had sent.

Also, maybe it's standard practice and I'm unaware, but the idea that deposits mean nothing at AP and can be undone on a watch that is supposedly rare and difficult to find, is a little galling. If it was just a high pressure/used car salesman's ploy, then that's beneath the brand, too.

At any rate, the market on the skeletons is softening already, and I expect in 6 months they'll be gettable at 60-65k instead of 78.
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