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Old 4 July 2019, 09:15 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by thesharkfactor View Post
Amazing work..I enjoyed that read but as above, what about it? What now? I think this guy is a very industrious young man who has showed great skill in building connections and putting a product together..just a shame his efforts were making counterfeits.. but I bet he made a lot of money from it.
As far as we know he didn’t scam anyone, everybody got what they paid for and he was the best at what he did..illegal or not. It wasn’t drugs or weapons, so while I don’t condone what he did, he hasn’t harmed anyone. The Rolex brand will see it different.. he should be prosecuted for sure.
Excellent points you make regarding the report. But to quote an ex-coworker when finished reading the latest middle management memo: “so what?”

Also surprised here that little attention has been paid that, despite the fact that names, addresses, photos of private residences, etc have been documented, we know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about the author, his location, or his/her agenda. FWIW worth he/she should be man/woman enough to identify themselves rather than hiding behind a veil of anonymity. (Goes for both investigations)

Doug Inkster
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