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Old 9 August 2013, 05:07 PM   #19
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Through a small research and various emails that I have received, there are at least another 3 persons that have been scammed over the past 3 weeks by Steve Mulholland and have just opened disputes. There are many others that did believed his excuses and unfortunately the dispute time frame had passed and now they have no insurance over Paypal.

In a few hours I shall escalate the dispute to a claim, as I left him a final chance to refund me.

I do not really believe that I will be hearing from him, any time soon as he most probably is full of guilt. It is a shame to grow a business and then throw it all away for what? a few thousand dollars? Is that how much a persons dignity is worth?

Does it have a price tag?

I do not feel bad for my decision in dealing with him, it was my choice and did what I did. I feel bad that through my research I learned a few things about his charakter, and boy have I come across a few people like that...but most of these people have a good soul, and are kind, it is their ignorance and undisciplined life that lead them there! And most of the times these people end up in the street pavement alone and cold.

Life tests you daily, or hourly or all the time...its a hard world out there and you have to prove your values every single time that they are under attack.

Most of the message above goes to Steve, and to let him know that it is never too late to come clean. I am sure that he needs help, he just only needs to ask for it!

Even if you do not have the money to refund all the people back Steve, you can come out, you will be beaten but some will understand some not. But you will feel better and realise your mistakes, then try hard with support and be a better man!
Time Will Only Tell...
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